Performance Management Policy

Performance Management Policy

Performance of all employees is metered, assessed and monitored annually. It is our fundamental goal to assess employees with a fair, systematic, participatory and measurable method, and to support their personal development as well as achievement of targets.

Individual targets that flow from corporate objectives are set, with employee input, across all management levels and performance is objectively managed through a common assessment system. This is designed not only to promote employee satisfaction but also to maximise corporate performance.

Employee appraisals are conducted by applying pre-determined measureable and objective criteria to work targets and set competencies, all of which are shared with employees at the beginning of the relevant assessment cycle.

At the end of an assessment cycle, one-on-one discussions are held between managers and employees for feedback purposes. This provides essential guidance to manage employee expectations in an open, structured and measurable manner. It also establishes a fair and transparent communication environment which not only encourages high performance but also allows the Company to identify the support requirements necessary to improve low performance.

Results obtained through our performance management system constitute significant inputs for training and development, career management and award management assessment processes.